I write about many things between an ant and a mountain. My poetry ranges from playing with the music of words, personal identity, cultural alienation, love, family, nature, war, man’s inhumanity to man, the beauty of nature and spiritual searching.

Tihei Mauriora

In this poem the words tihei mauriora are explored. These two words are some of the most important words in the Māori language. They mean the first life breath or sneeze. Māori speakers begin all speeches with this. The term and its additional meanings and phrases are explored and explained here for future generations to explore and hold on to.

Waewae Pakura

This literally means red footsteps. It’s a Māori weaving pattern used to adorn the walls of the Māori ancestral houses (whare tipuna). The pattern is usually red and resembles footprints of the swamp hen. This poem is partially a journey of the swamp hen placed there by the weavers who preserve the stories.


Maungawhau is the Māori name for Mount Eden. An extinct volcano. I was taken for a walk up its slopes and saw much evidence of pre-European, Māori occupation in pits and middens. It was a site which must have been full of free and highly industrious people. One sees this if one walks up these slopes but misses them if one drives up or gets to the top via tourist buses. As I looked out over the site I noticed Mount Eden prison in the distance where many Māori are now. Which got me thinking and writing this poem.


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